om guardian-srm

Hos Guardian-SRM er vi stolte af at være med til at sikre, at vores kunder kan drive deres forretning på en forsvarlig og sikker måde. Vi er stolte af, at vi kan højne vores kunders robusthed og beredskabsniveau, både for den enkelte medarbejder, men også på tværs af hele organisation. Således, at vores kunder kan arbejde og færdes frit, trygt og sikkert uanset hvor i verden de befinder sig, og samtidig vide hvordan man skal agere, hvis en hændelse skulle indtræde.

Vores løsninger omfatter risikorådgivning, sikkerhedsrådgivning, strategisk kriserådgivning og operationel respons og støtte både nationalt og internationalt, træning og kurser og en digital rejsesikkerhedsplatform.


Sådan arbejder vi

Vi forstår, at et tæt samarbejde er nøglen til at opbygge den nødvendige tillid. Vi bruger derfor tid og ressourcer på at forstå og blive den forlængede sikkerhedsafdeling i jeres virksomhed, så vi kan yde den rette kvalitetsrådgivning, fremfor rådgivning på et mere generelt plan.

Derfor tilbyder vi bl.a. en personlig one-point-of-contact- med vores seniorkonsulenter, så I som virksomhed har vished for, at vi altid kender jeres procedurer, behov, risikoprofil, og vi sikrer en ordentlig informationsdeling, så intet går tabt fra konsulent til konsulent.

hvem er vi

Guardian-SRM blev etableret i 2005 i Danmark, og har siden opbygget et af de førende sikkerhedsrådgivnings- og konsulenthuse i Skandinavien. Vores team består af sikkerhedsanalytikere, tidligere ansatte ved militæret og politiet og risikostyringsspecialister. Fælles for alle er, at vi er dedikerede og motiverede på opgaven om at analysere, rådgive, evaluere, og højne din virksomheds robusthed og sikkerhed.

Vores erfaring og viden kombineres i en række afdelinger under Guardian-SRM, hvor et tværfagligt samarbejde altid indgår som en del af vores samlede løsninger, hvilket muliggør at I hos Guardian-SRM vil finde en one-stop-shop, hvor vi kan tilbyde jer 360’ graders sikkerhedsløsninger.

​hvem er vores kunder

Vi leverer globale og nationale sikkerhedsløsninger og ydelser til både NGO’er, multinationale selskaber, SMV-virksomheder, privat personer/familier og freelancere. Fælles for vores sikkerhedsløsninger er, at vi altid tilpasser og skræddersyr forløbet og løsningen til det præcise behov og den nuværende, aktuelle situation.



Chief Executive Officer, Founder & Partner

​In 2005, Norman founded Guardian. Today, he remains the CEO and co-owner.

Highly engaged, both on a strategic and operational level – and with more than 17 years in the Danish Special Operation Forces – Norman has extensive experience from working in conflict areas around the world.​​


Chief Commercial Officer & Partner

Jens joined Guardian as co-owner after 19 years as an officer in the Danish Army. With over 10 years of experience in handling, negotiating, and advising on complex and high risk crisis incidents on both the strategic and operational level, he delivers our clients unique insight and foresight on all aspects of crisis management and response.​​​


Managing Director

Thomas is Managing Director of Guardian. He has solid experience within management, business development and administration. Prior to his current position, Thomas has worked extensively with operationalisation of administrative processes and systems in large and complex organisations – both in Denmark and internationally.​


Chief Operating Officer

​Originally a language officer in Arabic and Dari, Søren has since worked with cultural awareness, intelligence, analysis, and consulting. He has specialised in developing sustainable duty of care programmes for a diverse range of clients. Søren holds university degrees in International Business & Politics and Security Risk Management.​​


Head Of Crisis Management

​Jonas has more than 12 years of experience in the field of security and crisis management. With a background from the Danish Emergency Management Agency, National Police, and the Ministry of Defense, he has spent the last 4 years running a successful security consultancy before bringing his expertise to helm our Crisis Management department.​​


Head Of Risk Advisory​​


Guardian maintains a unique global network of consultants, partner companies, local offices and organisations, ensuring a fast, on-the-spot response capability all over the world. Guardian’s network is an integral part of our operational capacity – supplemented by our core staff in Copenhagen, it enables our clients to travel and operate securely in even the most challenging environments.

Nothing short of the highest standard of conduct is required from our partners. Our entire global network of sub-providers has been vetted by Guardian, prior to engagement and is continuously being evaluated to ensure continued trust from our clients, according with ISO 9001 standards.

Our network covers Europe – North, Central and South America – Middle East, North Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa – Central Asia, South and East Asia.​



Gefion is a certified provider of high-end guard services. Gefion offers a range of tailored security and guard solutions, ranging from event security to close protection of individuals in any thinkable environment.​



Guardian-srm er certificeret i henhold ISO 9001:2015 inden for rådgivende sikkerhedstjeneste