With more than 15 years of experience in the field, Guardian effectively addresses crises worldwide, including emergency security, medical evacuations, kidnappings, piracy, extortion, threats, and disappearances.
Retained by AIG, the world’s largest insurance company, we have experience delivering crisis management support to all sectors of industry and sizes of organisations. We also consult on a private basis with high-net-worth individuals and families.
High-quality and expert crisis management for any situation.
Extensive experience in international and high-profile cases.
24/7/365 availability from a highly qualified response team.
Guardian’s response team is available 24/7/365 for immediate support in a crisis.
From the start, we assist in setting up and guiding your crisis management team. Then, for extended crises, our experts and consultants ensure resilience and business continuity by maintaining critical processes operative and providing stability.
Our security specialists are always available to support you, your employees, and your crisis management team if and when a crisis occurs.
Guardian’s extensive experience ensures we can assist your crisis management team throughout any emergency, helping contain the crisis and limit its impact on individuals and organisations.
We have successfully helped our clients through a wide range of crisis situations, including:
We provide you with support and advice based on our own hard-earned experiences from some of the most complex crisis situations while we have clients abroad.
Let’s start by having a look at your needs:
Registration number (CVR): 35649085
Strandgade 36, 1.
1401 Copenhagen K
Toldbodgade 10. 4 sal
6000 Kolding
Østerågade 25, 1. tv.
9000 Aalborg
Call: +45 41 100 300
Mail: guardian@guardian-srm.com
Guardian-srm is certified in accordance with ISO 9001:2015 within the scope of consultancy of security services.
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