Operational support


When operating in difficult areas it can be necessary to provide your employees with additional protection and guidance. Guardian provides executive protection services around the world to ensure that your employees stay safe when travelling in hazardous environments. Our Executive Protection Officers are experienced former military or police officers, with extensive security training in executive protection, providing you with knowledge about planning, procedures, and de-escalation. The services can be handled by a security travel partner, local fixers or a detachment (PSD) of armed guards.


When your employees travel in high risk areas it is important to keep track of their location so help can be sent immediately should something happen. Guardian offers comprehensive tracking solutions to provide your employees with additional safety in high risk areas. Employees can be tracked using a wide variety of tools suiting their needs and preferences, ranging from mobile phone tracing to Satellite Tracking. Guardian has a 24/7 emergency centre capable of following the location of your employees around the world.


When arriving in a foreign country it’s comforting to have a trusted person waiting for you. Guardian can arrange a meet & greet anywhere in the world, to ensure that your employees are in good hands as soon as they arrive. During their stay, Guardian can provide trusted and secure transportation to ensure that your employees arrive safely at their destinations. All of our drivers have local knowledge of the country and are capable of navigating challenging situations.


Travelling in a new country or unfamiliar area can be a challenging experience, often diverting your employees’ attention from the work at hand. To help overcome this, we can help provide a local guide (or fixer) who can help you with everything from entering the country, acquiring the right visa, getting you to the places you want to go and supplementing you with the gear you need to solve your tasks. All of our fixers have extensive local knowledge, a strong local network, and speak the native language.


When operating abroad, being prepared and well-informed are key precipitants of successful business. In reality, you need someone in the field, and this is where we can help. Guardian has hundreds of local and international consultants around the world ready to help you find all the answers to your questions. Our consultants can provide valuable information such as the location of important checkpoints, road conditions, or current events taking place.


Maintaining the confidentiality of your organisation’s sensitive information can be challenging when operating globally. Many foreign actors will be interested in acquiring your strategic plans or trade secrets. With your business team operating around the world – often far from headquarters – the different regulations and information security risks they face become more complex and challenging. Guardian can provide your organisation with counter-intelligence services to prevent your confidential information from falling into the wrong hands. When travelling to a high-risk area, Guardian can also provide specialised counter-intelligence measures to frustrate espionage attempts.


Every organisation has different security requirements. Guardian can provide tailored security services to ensure the right fit for your needs. A personal security consultant will help your organisation map potential risks and produce a solution that matches both the risks and profile of the organisation.

Contact us to hear more about our operational support solutions.

Kontakt os

Strandgade 36, 1st floor

DK – 1401 Copenhagen K

Phone: +45 41 100 300

For general inquiries: Guardian@guardian-srm.com

For training related inquiries: Training@guardian-srm.com



Guardian-srm er certificeret i henhold ISO 9001:2015 inden for rådgivende sikkerhedstjeneste