In the current global risk landscape characterised by unforeseeable conflict dynamics, Guardian offers expert and tailored travel security solutions to meet all your needs during your trips.
Our advanced travel security platform is equipped with comprehensive risk information, including worldwide country reports and global incident alerts – instantly.
With Guardian’s tracking service, the traveller can feel safe knowing that there is always someone who knows where they are and who is ready to react promptly if something happens.
Guardian offers a full programme, which entails various services relevant for expats before and during their travel that is aimed at making the deployment run smoothly and safely.
At Guardian, we offer different travel security solutions incl. different tailored tracking solutions that provide you with everything you need to stay safe while exploring new destinations.
Guardian’s emergency hotline, staffed by our security specialists, can provide you, your employees, and your crisis management team with immediate support if and when a crisis occurs.
Focus on comfort
Meet & Greet services enable companies to provide travellers with a trusted driver in a foreign country.
Guardian can arrange a meet & greet anywhere in the world. The travellers are supported from the moment they arrive at the airport and for the entire duration of their stay. Our drivers have an excellent knowledge of the country and the savoir-faire to navigate challenging travel situations.
Guardian provides any means of land-based transportation to secure your travel.
Whether your travel is domestic or abroad, whatever your requirement might be, Guardian can assist you in securing your transportation. Guardian offers airport pick-up services as well as saves you the trouble of searching for a reliable security chauffeur and safe vehicle when you are travelling to different destinations.
Knowing that conditions at your destination are above standards give more ease of mind and less hassle. Let Guardian meet you at your destination and let us make sure that the chauffeur is highly professional and operates a safe vehicle.
Our analytical travel risk management products enable clients to effectively navigate a shifting and evolving risk landscape. By providing actionable and tailored security advice, clients are able to deploy successful operations in all environments safely, securely, and effectively.
Reach out to our experts in Pre-Travel Advisory to get help preparing properly for maximum safety.
Registration number (CVR): 35649085
Strandgade 36, 1.
1401 Copenhagen K
Toldbodgade 10. 4 sal
6000 Kolding
Østerågade 25, 1. tv.
9000 Aalborg
Call: +45 41 100 300
Guardian-srm is certified in accordance with ISO 9001:2015 within the scope of consultancy of security services.
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